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What is hydraulic press? The hydraulic pressure machine type and structure?

发布时间:2016.05.23    新闻来源:Taizhou Ju da Tools Co., Ltd.   浏览次数:

1, overview

The hydraulic press is a necessary tool for the power industry wire connection crimping in the line of basic construction and line maintenance.

2, classification

Pressure pick-up points for crimping machine, large tonnage pressing machine, insulation terminal crimping machine, crimping pliers split crimping machine type hand-operated hydraulic press machines.

3, structure

Composed of oil tank, power mechanism, reversing valve, pressure relief valve, pump oil, pump oil pump mechanism is composed of body, high and low pressure oil hole, eccentric shaft, bearing and a driven gear and a pair of high pressure oil pump and a low pressure oil pump, oil pump body suspended solid in oil tank cover, high and low pressure oil holes are arranged in the pump body, the pressure relief valve and the circuit connection, the eccentric shaft is longitudinally arranged, the central upper end is pivoted on the pump body is fixed at the lower end is provided with an eccentric bearing, the driven gear is fixed on the top of the eccentric shaft, connecting with the power mechanism, high and low pressure oil pump suspended solid in the pump body, and a different eccentric bearing contact actuator, pump cavity of high and low pressure pump respectively with high and low pressure oil holes. Advantages: the pumping oil mechanism and power mechanism connected are vertically connected, can make full use of space covers an area of small, is conducive to the operation and transportation; will be high, a low-pressure oil pump oil pump to form variable for the eccentric bearing actuator form, has simple structure, few parts to assembly.

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