In the daily routine maintenance of the automatic punching machine, the different maintenance frequency of the maintenance project is different, such as the mold position inspection and the flywheel conveyor belt inspection, the mold table cleaning and so on frequently. Through scientific maintenance, the service life of the automatic punching equipment can be longer, and the quality of the punching is guaranteed for a long time. The following giant tool will tell you how to maintain the automatic CNC punching machine.
In addition to the most conventional maintenance items, the first mould fixed screw needs to be fastened to the mold and screw of the fully automatic CNC punching machine, that is, the six angle wrench is used to determine the mould screw to reach the fixed position; if long-term loosening may jeopardize the punching safety or reduce the quality of the punching hole, or make the aperture error added. Big. Second lubricating oil (reducing parts friction) full automatic CNC punching machine need to add lubricating oil to each lubricating point every 1-3 months, when refueling needs to use the oil injection gun, according to the rules to the corresponding part, after the completion of refueling, pay attention to dust, because if the lack of lubricating oil will increase the mechanical friction, reduce the parts of the parts. Life expectancy may also increase noise and produce noise pollution. Third tight transmission triangle belt (avoid droop or cause danger) the inspection of the transmission triangle belt is also an indispensable maintenance item for the CNC punching machine. After opening the protective cover to see if there is any loose situation by the naked eye, see if it produces droop; if so, the transmission triangle is tight, but the giant Remind you that when checking the triangle belt, remember that it must be carried out under shutdown, otherwise it will endanger personal safety. The above is the maintenance method of automatic CNC punching machine. In addition to the above three most important maintenance, the handle body screw and the punch base screw can be tightened, and there are no loosening conditions in various parts of the punching machine through visual inspection and hand touch. It is particularly reminded that the power supply must be completely cut off before maintenance, and the strict grid is operated according to the maintenance regulation of the punching machine. |